3D Imaging
DR Cardona is Proud to announce our new Kodak 9000 3D imaging system.

The Kodak 9000 3D extra-oral imaging system allows High resolution and low radiation x-ray images.
These images provide a much greater and precise detail than a regular digital xray.
patient friendly system allows us to take a panoramic and three
dimensional picture of a specific area. This allows the doctor to view
all angles of the tooth, apex, bone and tissue, to help the doctor in
making an accurate and precise diagnosis for implant and mini implant
placement, oral surgery, endodontic treatment,dentures, complex
restorative treatment, fistulas, lesions, bone imperfections, and many
more dental treatment options.
This imaging system allows an
instant view while your in the office. Saving both you and the doctor
time. You will no loner have to go to another specialist and then wait
while they view and diagnose then wait longer while they take time
responding to Dr Cardona.
Kodak dental imaging software, the imaging platform for all Kodak
dental imaging systems, and its new 3D module, the system enables
simple and efficient manipulation of 3D exams and measurements,
providing easy access to all x-ray modalities and images.

This image from the 9000 3D system illustrates the software's oblique slicing feature.
system's localized field of view limits irradiation to the patient and
shows an area of 50 X 37 mm (approximately three to four teeth) in
extraordinary detail, resulting in increased image accuracy and more
detail per tooth. The voxel (VOlume piXEL), which represents a quantity
of 3D data similar to a pixel representation in 2D data, features an
edge size (or minimum slice thickness) of 0.076mm, and that translates
into exceptionally high resolution.